
European Union Law

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European Union Law

EU law consists of the Treaties establishing the European Union and from all the legal acts issued by the European institutions (EU regulations, directives, acts and specific decisions, as well as the rulings of the EU Court of first instance and by the Court of justice of the European Union).

EU law is an integral part of EU Member States’ legal systems.

  • Puce You have purchased a car dealer located in Germany, while you were spending your holiday in Italy, and that vehicle suddenly broke down ?
  • Puce You have booked a holiday online with a travel agency based in Spain, and you wish to cancel it ?
  • Puce One of your clients, residing in Greece, does not pay your invoice ?
  • Puce You are willing to freeze the funds in the bank account of a debtor, maintained in another EU Member State, in order to secure the the recovery of a debt before filing a payment claim in Court ?

puce Cross-border litigation

I advise and assist you in cross-border litigation, ranging from specific EU cross-border litigation procedures (European payment order, European small claims procedure, European Account Preservation Order, etc.) to standard Court procedures.

puce EU law in standard court procedures

I never hesitate, whenever it is relevent, to rise arguments based on EU law in Court, in order to defend your interests efficiently.

I work with bailiffs, who are competent in cross-border disputes, with certified translators and with specilized local lawyers in order to offer you a competent and well-taylored representation before overseas Jurisdictions, whenever necessary.

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An experienced, combative, dynamic and devoted lawyer at your service