Lawyer fees
My fees are set transparently, based on certain factors, such as the nature and the difficulty of the case, the value of the intests at stake and the amount of time spent to work on the file.
They are set out in a fee agreement, which I sign with my clients when their file is open. The fee agreement specifies, in particular, the amount or the method to determine the fees, as well as the predictable expenses (mails, copies, court costs, travel expenses, etc.) to be incurred.
My fees may be determined through one of the the following methods :
Fixed fees, the amount of which is agreed on with my clients.
This amount shall be assessed based on the value of the interests at stake, the difficulty of the case, and the reasonably predictable amount of time to be spent.
Additional fees may, with the client’s consent, be charged if it appears, after the case is open, that the fixed fee agreed on will not be sufficient to cover the amount of time that actually needs to be spent. I inform regularly my clients of the evolution of their cases, and inform them in advance if any additional fees will need to be charged.
When a given case rises subtantial fnancial interests, a success fee may also apply in addition to the initial fixed fee, determined by reference to a percentage of the final condemnations successfully granted.
Fees based on an hourly rate, agreed on with the Client.
The payment of an advance on fees will be requested upon opening of each file.
Expenses and disbursements incurred, associated with case processing and follow-up, will be invoiced separatly.
First meeting:
The first 15 minutes are free of charge.
Beyond 15 minutes, the meeting, which can last up to 45 minutes, will be charged € 200,00 VAT excluded.