Business law
Business law covers all the rules of law that apply to businesses, business relationships and, in general, to any legal matter arising within the framework of business life.
It helps, in particular, corporations and individual entrepreneurs, to respond to the following questions :
- How to draft effective contracts / general terms and conditions ?
- What strategy could be used in order to get an invoice paid quickly ?
- How to stop harmful demeanors / compromising situations, imputable to a competitor / contractor ?
- May I seek to hold liable a provider / builder / vendor / service provider, and if so, under what conditions and what would be the outcome of the procedure ?
- What litigation tools are at my disposal to defend against a liability claim ?
Audits and drafting of legal documents
I audit and draft your contracts (lease, sale, etc.) and general terms and conditions.
Debt collection
I assist you in your debt recovery processes :
- before any claim is filed in Court (drafting and issuing of a legal notice, negotiations, assistance in conciliation / mediation procedures),
- bringing and pursuing any necessary Court procedure (payment order, summary or standard court procedure) and taking any useful provisional measure in order to secure debt payments,
- helping you chose and implement the necessary enforcement measures.
Insolvency proceedings
I also assist you in any insolvency proceedings that your company or your debtors’ company could undergo (safeguard proceeding, judicial redress, judicial liquidation).
Civil and commercial litigation
In general, I assist and defend your interests in any litigation that you could encounter in the course of you business activities, in which you could be opposed to clients, providers or your competitors, in contract law, torts (builder liability, defective products, etc.), professional liability, commercial law and insurance law.
I intervene before any Court in Francce.