
Tourism law and transports

Home Practice areas Tourism law and transports

Tourism law and transports

Transports law includes all the rules and regulations that apply to carriers (airline compagnies, road carriers, bus compagnies, rail compagnies, sea transport and cruiseline compagnies), to their clients and users of those transports, as well as to intermediaries (shipping agents, transport ticket vendors /resellers).

Tourism law includes all the contractual and liability rules governing the relationships between professionals of the tourism sector (hotels, camping site managers, travel agencies, tour operators, etc.) and their customers.

  • Puce You are looking for a law professional to draft your general terms and conditions of sale ?
  • Puce A customer seeks reimbursement of your professional liability?
  • Puce A client was injured in an accident, or lost his/her luggage, and claims for redress for the damage caused by that accident / loss against you?
  • Puce A customer demands compensation, alledging that he or she has experienced a delay or suffered some nuisance ?
  • Puce A business partner filed a warranty call against you in the course of an ongoing Court procedure?

puce Audit and drafting of legal documents

I draft your general terms and conditions.

I also audit your general terms and conditions, your sales brochures and all the contractual documents that are made accessible to the general Public.

puce Assistance during judicial expert measures

I assist you in the course of any judicial expert measure you could be compelled to participate in.

puce Defense in disputes arising in the course of your activity

I defend your interests in any type of dispute, which you could face or experience in the course of your business development, whether against customers, former clients or business partners, arising out of transportation contracts or tourisme services.

I intervene at national level.

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